Himalayan Salt Caves

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, or HTMA, is a fascinating method that can provide valuable insights into our overall health and well-being. It involves analyzing the mineral content present in our hair strands. This process can help identify any imbalances or deficiencies in essential minerals that are crucial for our body’s proper functioning. By examining the levels of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and others, we can gain a deeper understanding of our nutritional status and potential health issues.


Why Choose HTMA?

One of the key advantages of mineral hair analysis is its non-invasive nature. Unlike blood tests, which may require a needle prick, hair analysis simply involves collecting a small sample of hair. The hair sample is then sent to a licensed clinical laboratory, and prepared through a series of chemical and high temperature digestive processes. After the sample has been prepared, it it tested using highly sophisticated detection equipment. These methods achieve the most accurate and precise results. As compared to a blood mineral test, which only shows a snapshot of mineral content at the time of the sample collection, the hair sample provides a story of long-term mineral status, toxic metal accumulation, and intracellular activity.


How do the results affect me?

By evaluating the mineral composition of our hair, practitioners can identify any imbalances that may impact our health. For example, low levels of certain minerals like iron or zinc can indicate deficiencies that may contribute to fatigue, weakened immune function, or even hair loss. Magnesium deficiency has been associated with increased incidence of heart attacks, anxiety, and nervousness.

On the other hand, excessive levels of certain minerals may suggest toxicity or an inefficient elimination process. Too much Zinc can reduce the beneficial effect of Vitamin D. Excessive amounts of Calcium can reduce the beneficial effect of Vitamin A, and can actually contribute to the formation of osteoporosis, cause weight gain, and chronic fatigue.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can also provide insights into our body’s ability to absorb and utilize minerals. It can help identify any potential mineral imbalances caused by factors such as poor diet, stress, environmental toxins, or underlying health conditions. This information can guide us towards making necessary dietary and lifestyle adjustments to optimize our mineral levels and overall well-being.


After the test

Each Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis report will provide you with a complete and comprehensive evaluation of the mineral levels and ratios discovered during the testing phase. Within the report is also a list of foods to eat or avoid in respect to food allergy indicators, helping you to meet your individualized nutritional requirements. You can choose after the test to have a follow-up consultation to be further educated and explore the roles certain minerals play, and how the deficiencies or excesses can be restored to their proper ratios.

It’s important to note that while Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can be a valuable tool, and many times is requested by a physician, it should not be used as a standalone diagnostic method. It is best utilized as part of a comprehensive assessment, in conjunction with other diagnostic tools and under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.



In conclusion, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis offers a unique perspective on our mineral status and can help uncover imbalances or deficiencies that may affect our health. By understanding our mineral levels, we can make informed decisions about our diet, lifestyle, and supplementation to support optimal well-being. So, why not consider exploring this intriguing method to gain insights into your own mineral health?

Now AvailAble

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is Available at our Palm Harbor Location!

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